Healthy Weight Loss

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Increase Your Health Naturally

And Achieve Harmony With Your Body


e all want balance, we want to be happy and and live long peaceful lives. For those hoping to solve their weight problem with surgery, medication or fad diets from trendy weight loss centers should know that these are drastic options, which can have dangerous consequences lasting a lifetime.

Beverly Hills Anti-Aging offers a weight loss solution that works in harmony with your body, to develop a natural balance. Using ancient Chinese methods our weight loss solution is organic and natural, unlike pharmaceutical concoctions and draconian surgeries. We teach you how to lose your weight and keep it off, striking a core balance that helps you to maintain your weight loss.

Using holistic methods our weight loss solutions are both organic and natural

Organic and Natural Weight Loss

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Weight Loss Food

Food Choices and Weight Loss ...You Are What You Eat!

Maintaining your weight loss is important, learning to eat the right foods while your losing weight is just as important. We will show you the right foods you need to maintain your weight loss, and we’ll teach you which common foods to avoid that have large amounts of hidden sugar’s, also known as sugar bombs.

Understanding exactly what each food that you put into your mouth will do to your body is also an important part of creating a weight loss plan that will be long term. Different foods affect your body in different ways. This is to be considered when you are working toward losing weight and want it to stay gone. In addition to effective weight loss, understanding what the foods you ingest do to your body will also help you with other aspects of your health such as your skin care. Skin care is greatly affected by things you eat as well as how healthy or unhealthy you might be on the inside. It can also be affected by emotions and stress. It is for this reason that finding a way to relax and release stress is important to your success.

You may not realize what you are eating and how often you are eating it. Much of the weight gain for individuals who have trouble is due to the lack of knowledge surrounding what they are eating. They either do not understand how the food affects their body or they do not realize how often and how much of the particular food type they are ingesting. Whatever the reason, it is important to keep track of those things that seem to affect your body the greatest.

Mature women reduce their endometrial cancer risk with weight loss

Postmenopausal women who intentionally lost weight over the course of three years had a much lower risk of endometrial cancer up to 11 years later compared to women whose weight didn’t change, a U.S. study finds.

Overall, women who intentionally lost 5 percent or more of their body weight had 29 percent lower risk of developing endometrial cancer during the study period, and the effect was most pronounced for obese women, whose risk dropped by 66 percent with weight loss.

With women whose weight remained stable as the reference point, researchers found that women who dropped pounds were significantly less likely to develop endometrial cancer, and those who gained weight saw an 8 percent to 23 percent increase in risk. For women who had not used hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms and gained weight, risk rose by 30 percent.

Article Source: FoxNews, School of Public Health at Indiana University in Bloomington, National Cancer Institute and Journal of Clinical Oncology
Mature Women Weight Loss